Happy Fields UK

Hapus Caeau Ltd Logo

About Us

The field is run by Jessi and Chris. We have 5 dogs, two labs and three lurchers as well as two small children. Having both rescue and sight driven dogs we know only too well what it is like to have reactive and dogs that like to ‘run off’ (they do usually come back) and jump a 5 bar gate!

We realised that when in a public space they can’t always tell if its a rabbit or a chihuahua that they might be trying to run after -which is somewhat scary for the other dogs owners!

We are lucky enough to have a family farm to exercise our dogs on but it got us thinking that we are not the only people with not the easiest dogs to have in public spaces – and so the concept Happy Fields was born.

We spent a very long time looking for the right spot to start and the lovely people at Severnvale Farm offered us a space. It has taken us a year to gain planning permission so we are so thrilled that we are finally able to open this space for dogs and their owners to enjoy.

Make sure you pop along towards Lydney from the site and go to Hanley Farm Shop - doggy friendly!